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All about scope: how Reynaers Aluminium reduces its carbon footprint

Companies all over the world often divide their carbon impact in Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions. But what does this exactly mean? And how does Reynaers Aluminium use these Scopes to define its sustainable actions? Let us find out together.

Firstly, Scope 1 and 2 refer to carbon emissions originating from a company’s own production activities. These include our energy usage in warehouses and offices, but also the impact of our entire company car fleet. In Scope 3, on the other hand, you will find emissions derived from the value chain and purchase behaviour. You could see this as third-party pollution, indirect carbon emissions Reynaers Aluminium does not own but which we can positively impact.

Modern and bright villa at night.

Our sustainability goals and actions

In Reynaers Act, Reynaers Group’s very first Sustainability Strategy Report, we state our commitments to reduce our carbon emissions. To cut Scope 1 & 2 direct emissions by 46% by 2030, we will expand our company fleet with electric cars and build energy-efficient warehouses. Choosing renewable energy solutions such as solar panels, and limiting our gas consumption will help us curb our energy footprint as well.

But what about our indirect carbon emissions? Third-party Scope 3 emissions add up to 97% of our total environmental footprint, which means a huge opportunity to have a positive impact! By engaging with sustainable partners, we will reach our goal of relatively reducing these indirect emissions by 55% by 2030. Moreover, purchasing recycled and low-carbon aluminium from trusted suppliers helps us create green building solutions for people today and for future generations.

Reynaers Aluminium testing expert.

Want to learn more about the environmental impact of aluminium? Click the button below and find out!

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Corbeanca House - Miruna Ardelean (architect); Arthur Tintu (photographer)